von Sherlocked (webseite)
Damrak 247, 1012ZJ
4-6 Spieler
Sprachen: EN, NL

basierend auf Bewertungen von 13 Benutzern
kombiniert mit Bewertungen von 4 Benutzern
Deine Bewertung

Wie von einem Spiel zu erwarten war, das wiederholt gut bei den Terpeca Awards abgeschnitten hat (möglicherweise hĂ€tte es dort sogar noch bessere PlĂ€tze verdient?), war dieses ein herausragendes Erlebnis fĂŒr uns. Wow! Die handwerkliche MĂŒhe, die Liebe zum Detail, der gesamte Aufwand - das alles zeigt wirklich, dass hier Escape Room Enthusiasten am Werk waren, denen es vor allem darum ging, ein Spitzen-Erlebnis zu schaffen.
Die RĂ€umlichkeiten von Sherlocked befinden sich in einem schönen historischen GebĂ€ude mitten in Amsterdam. Zu Beginn wurden wir schon an der TĂŒr von unserer Spielleiterin eine Rolle spielend empfangen. Nach einer EinfĂŒhrung in die Geschichte und unsere Aufgabe, sowie ersten kleineren RĂ€tseln betraten wir dann den Hauptraum mit einem wahren "Wow"-Effekt. Ab da war klar, dass dieses Spiel etwas Besonderes werden wĂŒrde. Die Kulisse ist herausragend mit vielen aufwĂ€ndig angefertigten Elementen, mechanischen Funktionen und Spezialeffekten. Die RĂ€tsel fanden wir mittelschwer bis teilweise durchaus knifflig, zumal wir bisher nicht oft auf Englisch gespielt haben. Durchschnittliche Englischkenntnisse sollten unserer EinschĂ€tzung nach aber genĂŒgen, um hier durchzukommen. Es war jederzeit klar, was als nĂ€chstes zu tun ist und die HinweisfĂŒhrung war ebenfalls gut durchdacht. Die Hint-Systeme (es gab davon tatsĂ€chlich zwei Arten) waren plausibel in das Setting integriert, so dass die Immersion nicht gebrochen wurde. Das spektakulĂ€re Finale hat uns dann mit offenen MĂŒndern zurĂŒckgelassen. Sehr nett fanden wir auch, dass wir Andenken mitbekamen - einen Sherlocked-AnhĂ€nger fĂŒr jeden Spieler und einen besonderen Gegenstand, der auf ziemlich coole Art wĂ€hrend des Spiels angefertigt wurde.
Das Spiel ist aus unserer Sicht ein absolutes Muss fĂŒr alle RĂ€tselspielliebhaber. Da der Raum nicht gruselig ist, ist er durchaus auch fĂŒr Familien geeignet, die das Besondere suchen und herausfordernde RĂ€tsel mögen.
As expected from a room that scored repeatedly high on the Terpeca list, this indeed was a premium experience for us. Wow! The amount of craftmanship, detail, love and care that has been put into this clearly shows that it was made by true escape room enthusiast that wanted to go the extra mile to deliver the best experience.
Located in a beautiful historical building in the center of Amsterdam, you are welcomed by your gamemaster already in character who introduces you to the story and your mission. After a little prologue play you enter the main room with a true magical "wow" effect. That's when you know that you are really up to something special. The setting is very well done with lots of custom made mechanics and special effects. The creative and varied puzzles were definitely not easy for us, but fair and with all clues available. Playing an escape room in English was also quite new for us, but it went better than expected. You always know what to do next and the hint system(s) (in fact there are two of them) are well integrated into the story, supporting the immersion. The finale let us stand and watch with our mouths open. I mean - how cool was that? A very nice touch also was that you get a keepsake at the end (a Sherlocked pin for each player plus a special item that was created during the game). Must-play game for every puzzle game lover out there and even for families looking for the extraordinary, since the room is not scary.

On a normal day, I can see this being 5 star for most people. It is stunning and beautiful. One of the best made sets and puzzles I have ever seen. So ingenious.
The GM wasnât overly helpful or enthusiastic. Didnât set the mood and wasnât helpful throughout. We love to take our time playing rooms but had no sense of how on track we were. We had some tech that wasnât well signposted or work first time and that was fustrating and never signposted us when we changed course incorrectly.
One of the puzzles towards the end didnât work as intended plus we didnât gel great with one of the others either.
So would say worth doing but didnât have the flow we wanted.

Just fantastic. The set is amazing. A must for any escape room enthusiast.

Amazing game, with a beautiful backdrop, special effects and very versatile, modern puzzles. Super nice hosting and debriefing!

I like Escape Rooms to give a sense of story, wonder, exploration and this delivers in spades. If I was nit picking then I could say that there arenât many puzzles but the ones that are there are multi-layered in their approach and solution. Sign posting and flow was excellent and I donât think there were any points where we stood around looking confused. Hints were delivered by a device you take in with you. Any trip to Amsterdam should include this fabulous experience. The finale is very well done although (nit picking again) itâs primarily a viewing experience but nothing Iâve seen before in an Escape Room.This game ranked at only 31 at least years TERPECA which means the games above it should be something else as this was amazing.

Countless never-before-seen moments, only let down by some of the puzzles being given away by dirty finger contact meaning you know what's what quicker (however, finding what is what on a chart is not usually that fun so maybe it did us a favour?).
Puzzles with enjoyable steps that can be done by a big team, and the game ends with one of the best finales I have epxerienced.

Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
Back then when I started playing escape rooms regularly and people would ask which were the best ones, a game regularly mentioned was The Vault. Itâs therefore not surprising that in the first Terpeca awards that game made it into the Top 10.
Many years passed until Sherlocked announced a new room was coming and given the groundbreaking nature of The Vault, expectations were of course high. It was quite a wait but as the saying goes: âGood things take time, great things take a little longerâ. I am glad it took longer, as this game is certainly a great thing.
A fundamental component of every great game is the start, and when you start a game like this you can be certain that you are up for a ride. The game takes place in a beautiful setting, in which itâs enjoyable just to be there.
This is one of those games where you will play and then want to play again just to go back and see what you missed. Every single item in this game has been hand-crafted for the world they have created and the attention to detail is incredible