Well, it looks like our time travelling days might be coming to an end; we’re down to the last crystal that powers our time engine! We’re usually in touch with some space age time travelers from the future that will send a couple of crystals back now and then (nice of them right?), but we’ve not heard from them in a while… Luckily we have just enough power left to send you to the future to find out what’s going on for us and hopefully snag a couple of crystals on the way!
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A good game however we got stuck on one puzzle only to find out later, there was no way for us to ever solve the puzzle due to what we needed being taken off.
The room was a bit on the short side (as a team of 2 we finished in 36 mins). The puzzles were a bit mixed - a couple of nice ones and a couple of rather uninspired ones.
Although it follows Unescapable‘s pattern of “name of person” game titles, the Mary of this game is not a person but a spaceship. The premise here is that Unescapable are running out of the crystals that power their time travel portals, and need you to head to the future to get some more - but the spaceship in which you arrive appears mysteriously deserted.
All of the venue’s games look good, and Mary maintains the standard. The actual implementation uses plenty of number padlocks, but manages ...
As always, these reviews are own personal opinions, but if I were pressed to name the best game at Unescapable, Mary would be my selection (although my favourite was Tommy). With pleasing puzzles, a great atmosphere, and a whole lot of fun, if you’re having trouble deciding which game to play at Unescapable, you can’t go wrong with Mary. (Well, really, you wouldn’t go wrong with any of them.)