Principal Escape Rooms: War of the Roses

Von | Mai 26, 2024

von Principal Escape Rooms (webseite)

32 St Mary's St, Ely CB7 4ES



2-5 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

Step into the tranquil world of Ely's premier gardening competition, to restore a once-beautiful garden to its former glory.​The reputation of Ely’s premier gardening competition is on the line. You have 60 minutes to uncover clues, solve puzzles, and mend the damage done by the mysterious saboteur.​The judges are on their way. Every second counts. Good luck, gardeners!
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Bewertet mit 0 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer

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🏆Annagramma experte hat dies bewertet:
Gespielt am: 8 Sep 2024 Teamgröße: 3 Benötigte Zeit: 41:26 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
schönkomischtolles hosting

We playtested this room and supplied feedback for the owners before opening. Once ready this is going to be a fantastic little room. Small but very well formed, we played as a 3 which felt right size wise. Beautifully designed and cleverly themed with this venue's signature touch of humour, they have also packed a good amount and variety of puzzles into the space along with some very neat touches and new ideas which made for a lot of fun. Kept us busy, thinking, and entertained the whole time, and will be great for all ages and levels as can either be adapted for children, or extra challenge additional to the main game for the experts. Fab!

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