Shakespeare's newest play is set to open at The Globe theatre tonight, the crowds have gathered and King James himself is in the royal box. The word is the play has been promised to King James for his birthday.
To keep the script under wraps Shakespeare kept just one copy of it and an hour before the curtain goes up, it's gone missing! You and your team must find the script before the King finds out and calls for Shakespeare’s head!
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As a fan of Shakespeare's plays I definitely enjoyed all the references to his work. This was definitely on the easier end, but I think would be a great one to do with kids who are learning about Shakespeare in school. Nicely done sets, and a couple of clever elements we haven't seen before.
The puzzles weren't very logical and it wasn't always obvious which padlocks the puzzles referred to. I did enjoy the Shakespeare element but to me that's the only thing the game had going for it
Gespielt am: 25 Mar 2023Teamgröße: 2Ergebnis: Entkommen!
story-getriebentolles hosting
It looks authentic and has a great atmosphere created by the lighting and the references to Shakespeare that continue throughout. The puzzles were very straightforward and not always logical, to be honest, so this wasn't one that we really gelled with.
Saying that, we really enjoyed the theme and a lot of effort has been made to include some nice nods to the Bard.
A fantastic host here - one of the most enthusiastic, friendly GMs we have encountered.