Jest noc. Wielki mistrz renesansu Leonardo da Vinci umiera. Zabiera ze sobą wiele tajemnic, jednak jednej z nich zabrać nie może. Jesteś jedyną nadzieją Iluminati. Przenieś się w czasie i odnajdź kamień filozoficzny ukryty w pracowni Leonarda zanim przejmie go jego spadkobierca. Masz godzinę nim nastanie świt, a historia całkowicie zmieni swój bieg. Nie zawiedź! Musimy kontrolować nowy porządek świata...
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Gespielt am: 19 Jun 2021Teamgröße: 6Benötigte Zeit: 75minsErgebnis: Entkommen!
The room is beautifully decorated and atmospheric. Puzzles are logical and some of them definitely would be a lot of fun to solve in person. We did encounter some technical issues towards the end of the game which was fortunately resolved quickly. Overall we enjoyed this room!
Rest assured that this game is available in English! We had a few very minor audio/communication issues, but they really did not negatively affect the game. The GM was very game to try anything we asked. An extremely immersive set with some neat physical puzzles that I'm sorry we didn't get to try in person. Good value for money for a game with this much to do, and both a GM and a camera person. Recommended!!
Just a quick edit--an earlier review noted a lack of an inventory system. I'm happy to report that they are now using Telescape, which definitely helped to make a rather difficult game more manageable.
Firstly, what an amazing looking room, this definitely falls into the category or rooms I would love to play for real. We had some technical issues with this game which has slightly marred the experience, there was a lot of audio issues at the beginning and the quality wasn't great throughout. The Telescape inventory never engaged and we had to make do without it. This game also makes use of a cameraman following the Avatar so you always see what they are doing. The puzzles were very on theme and excellent throughout, the Avatar was also excellent (I never caught her name) and stayed in character throughout (even when we were having problems). I think we were just unlucky and the tech gods frowned on us that night but I would still recommend the room.
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
It might be a little out of the way but this is well worth a visit. The weakest game was strong and the stronger games were a lot of fun. Interesting puzzles, pretty sets and good GMing.
You may have already seen the steampunk vibe of Time Machine - The Secret of Leonardo via its remote avatar version. Of Exit19's more recent tranche of big, glossy games, it's the only one that was available for remote play, probably because it has a big open layout and a somewhat non-linear structure that suits it well to that. Fitting the setting, there are plenty of big puzzles built with rope and wood, satisfyingly hands-on. I thought the structure made it easier to get confused or stuck on what to focus on next, but good puzzle design reduced that risk; and it had a particularly good way to enter and leave the game.
This was a really fun experience. Besides being wowed by the set design over and over again, we were amazed by how they were able to make gen 1 puzzles not feel like just plan exposed codes. We really had to put our brains together to solve a few of these puzzles as a team. We've done time machine themed escape rooms before but none of which that was able to execute the replica of the time zone that we're taken back to in such a realistic way. I would say this is a game well worth playing as you probably wouldn't have a chance to visit Leonardo's workshop in any other way. So take your motion sickness pill now and hop on this journey as it'll be a bumpy ride!