The Escape House: Spellbound

Von | Juli 24, 2024

von The Escape House (webseite)

13 Fishers Yard, St. Neots PE19 2AG

07400 920764

St Neots

3-7 Spieler

3 Spieler: £30.00
4 Spieler: £28.00
5 Spieler: £26.00
6 Spieler: £24.00
7 Spieler: £22.00

Sprachen: EN

90 minuten

Welcome, brave adventurers, to the Kingdom of Eldermist!

For years, this land has suffered under the dark curse of the malevolent wizard and his fearsome dragon, Grimfang. The once-thriving kingdom now lies in despair, its people yearning for a hero. Are you brave enough to step into the wizard’s lair and break the enchantment that grips the kingdom?

Your mission is clear: infiltrate the wizard’s tower, locate his spellbook, and cast the Spell of Unbinding to lift the curse. But beware, time is of the essence! Can you break the spell and escape before it’s too late?

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Vorläufig bewertet mit 5 von 5

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gthreepwood hat dies bewertet:Rated between 5 and 5 out of 5
Gespielt am: 31 Aug 2024 Teamgröße: 3 Benötigte Zeit: 89 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
hightechimmersiveposziemlich schwierig
So... Escape Rooms have really come on a long way since repeatedly hunting 4 digit codes and concealed keys! This one was worlds ahead of even the more advanced ones we've done. Sensors, integrated and responsive tech, crazy dexterity puzzles and all spot-on with the immersive theming. Loads of fun!

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