Be Quiet, you wouldn't want to wake them up. Be Nice, you wouldn't want to make them mad. Be Afraid, they're waiting for you. The Fernvale Orphanage will take great care of any lone souls out there in need of care. Do you need care? You do, don't you?
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Good room, puzzles flow and are well thought out. The room is well decorated and quite big - there are several rooms to get through and much to explore.
Not one for the chicken wusses amongst you (and I include myself in that!) luckily I had a big brave helper on hand! Some nice little touches and puzzles, very glad to have solved this one so I don't have to do it again!
This was my first ever escape room so it has a special place in my memory just because of that. There were some ups and downs to this room, looking back. The first puzzle had a technical problem for us so we were stood around for quite a while! I enjoyed searching for clues and going from very tentative to bravely exploring the space. There were some clues from a previous puzzle still in the room, but they had simplified the puzzle so we got a little distracted trying to use clues we didn’t need for a while. With some small adjustments this room could have been better. This room was really fun and I immediately came out and booked another room so definitely a good start.
Absolutely fantastic room in terms of theming, technology and immersiveness. Overall enjoyed it and the venue is spot on. A few issues with the room itself - it was high tech which is good, but a few things didn’t quite work without a hint from the games master (I.e. how to get it exactly right rather than actually solve the clue which we had done - frustrating and took away the immersiveness). Personally found the end very difficult to the point I don’t think I’d have got it without a lot of clues. Yes we escaped but would’ve been there all day if there wasn’t a time limit! Perhaps best for experts - would be interested to see if that’s the case.
Quite disappointed by this one. Set is great but very few puzzles to solve and the avatar wasn't really in character enough and just made everything a bit too easy.
Creepy buildings are a staple in this world and in this isn't the first abandoned orphanage I've been in. There's a lot of technology in this room so don't expect many padlocks, this is also a dark room (but they will increase the overall lighting if you're struggling). Ultimately I thought this room was anticlaimactic, the game was great but the lack of an ending stops it from being exceptional.
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We had just come off another win with The Devils Playground and it was time to face our next scary challenge RUN. Classed as a level 2 scare room, however as we would soon find out, creepy and spooky can soon translate to scary very quickly especially when left in the dark. Our games master for Run was our main man Lee, we were wondering if our gracious host would be our games master soon and we are so glad he was. He did the role fantastically giving clues without "hand-holding", Not that Tori or Beth did so either. That's one thing we really commend The Great Escape Room does so well, they give you a chance to actually solve the puzzles and when they do give a clue it still doesn't give the answer away fully. The story of RUN is a more spooky tale compared to Abducted or The Devils Playground. We had found ourselves at an abandoned, derelict building 1 hour from midnight in the middle of a storm. We were now trapped in this house and had to find the secrets to free the children's spirits trapped within. Blindfolded we walked in a fashion we are all accustomed to into the darkness for our briefing then it was time for the game to start...