Professor Baron Emmanuel von Katzenstein und Kartoffelberg is a genius - an inventor, an adventurer, an explorer, and a madman. Very rich by the way. His letter reaches you, wherein the Professor asks for your help. Will you get to drive the submarine that the Professor used to hunt sea-monsters with? Or perhaps he wants you to continue his experiment of scientifically measuring magic? Either way, you can be sure, an adventure awaits!
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Gespielt am: 21 Nov 2024Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 47:00Ergebnis: Entkommen!
originalstory-getriebentolles hosting
Really nice game with a couple of fun elements - we loved particularly the way to give hints. The puzzles were not all logical and we struggled a couple of times (but we were only 2), but there were some that were really good and great fun.
Loved this game from start to finish. Really enjoyed how everything had a clear purpose to the mission at hand and elements that combined together throughout the game. The puzzles, whilst on the easier side, were varied- musical, observational, skill based etc. and everyone in our team left with a huge smile on their face.
A very immersive and very complete experience. The props were top quality. The puzzle was intuitive and quite well implemented. One of the tech was a little frustrating to use. A good beginner room.
An amazing way to start our weekend in Prague. The whole experience was impeccably decorated, especially the finale. Everything was on theme and not a padlock in sight. One of 5 you must do if you’re in the city.
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
These days Mind Maze has three separate locations; conveniently for visiting enthusiasts, the two TERPECA-nominated rooms are both at the same address. We played both, starting with Nautilus.
You’d guess from the name that Nautilus is a steampunk-style submarine game, and so it is, but that’s only part of the theming. In the best tradition of Victorian fantasy stories, this one starts you in comfortable civilisation, and takes you on a journey to adventure and back. Specifically, you need to tr...
MindMaze offers four Escape Games. Two of them, Enigma and Alchemist’s Chamber, which can also be played in battle mode, at the location Tyršova 9, Prague 2. Our actual game location is relatively centrally in Prague and can be reached from Central Station in a few minutes on foot.