
Teamgröße: 2
Teamgröße: 2

Stunning set! And huge (even by Athens standards). Some fantastic transitions and exploration setting up some nice cinematic set pieces. Scares are fairly frequent which can lose their effect after a while and the puzzles definitely play a much minor role than in some experiences. However it more than makes up for it with the sense of scale and dark foreboding gothic atmosphere throughout. 

Teamgröße: 2
tolles hostingheftig👻unheimlich

A nice set with some interesting cinematic scenes evoking emotion and drama. Would benefit from a greater quantity and variety of puzzles as we felt this was a weak point to the experience. Compared to other horrors in Athens it was intense without being overly scary although personally there were too many jump scares to the point that after a while they lost all scare value and became irritating. Host was fantastic. 

Teamgröße: 2

Amazing experience, with some very memorable scenes, high intensity throughout from start to (a rather hot) finish! Good variety and number of puzzles, intertwined with intense cinematic scenes, interesting variety of transitions through detailed and diverse settings with a high intensity ending.  A must play in Athens.

Teamgröße: 2

We were pretty disappointed with this experience given some of the hype. Maybe it just didn't fit our personal taste but overall the experience lacked any real wow moments, no interesting transitions, not enough puzzles (the ones they did have didn't feel in any way related to the story), on one occasion a scare actor came through the entrance door for a scare and we could see traffic and lights outside which broke immersion. Highlight was definitely the graveyard (best part of the set and had a nice character interaction and cinematic scene). Ending was quite disjointed with a storyline that felt a little overdramatic and arty with a number of character scenes overstaying their welcome. 

Teamgröße: 2 Ergebnis: Entkommen!

Fantastic experience which remained very faithful to the movies with some great cinematic scenes, beautiful decor and fun puzzles. Huge set with some lovely transitions and maintains a high level of terror throughout while still giving time and space to enjoy the puzzles - and there are a really good quantity of puzzles included making the 2hr run time go by in a flash! 

Teamgröße: 2

Mixed feelings about this experience. Loved the forest setting and intensity but felt it still left much to be desired. They wasted the house space during the intro which was large and beautifully decorated but really should have had some puzzle elements. The car sequence was cool and some very intense scares in the forest area. However it did become quite repetitive as the entire experience takes place in the forest area. Felt like it would have been better with more transitions to new areas to change up scares and enhance the story. The UV puzzle was a cool concept but  the uv text was so faded it was difficult to see. Overall a good  horror experience which could have been enhanced with more puzzles, transitions within the space and variety of scares to make it a top level horror escape experience. 

Ergebnis: Entkommen!
Teamgröße: 2 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
ziemlich schwierig
preis-leistungs-verhältnisziemlich schwierig
schlechtes hostingstumpf😨gruselig
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