The Great Escape Game Sheffield: The Haunted Hound

Von | Mai 26, 2024

von The Great Escape Game Sheffield (webseite)

Vicar Lane, S1 2EX


Sprachen: EN

15 minuten
Paranormal enthusiasts Liam and Lucy Lurkwell, previous owners of The Haunted Hound pub, went globetrotting for haunted artefacts. Returning changed, they grew distant, haunted by strange events. One stormy night, the pub emptied, leaving glasses and objects scattered. Rumours swirled—had their obsession caught up with them? The Haunted Hound fell silent, a testament to their mysterious disappearance, leaving a legacy of curiosity and caution in their wake.In 2024 the Haunted Hound reopened under new landlords, but eerie occurrences continued. Chilling phone calls in the dead of night, voices claiming to be Lucy and Liam, begged for help. The callers spoke of being trapped in another realm, their souls bound by unearthly items. As rumours swirled and patrons whispered of ghostly visitations. Determined to uncover the truth, the new landlords have invited YOU on a quest to unravel the mystery of The Haunted Hound, braving the unknown as the whispers grew louder and more desperate. Can you solve the mystery of The Haunted Hound?
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Bewertet mit 3.5 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer

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Jemileh erfahren hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
Gespielt am: 31 Aug 2024 Teamgröße: 2 Ergebnis: Entkommen!

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