Thornes Lane Wharf, Wakefield WF1 5RL
2-6 Spieler
Sprachen: EN
Bewertung von Dan Taylor erfahren
Stop what you are doing and book in for this room!
Where to begin. First off I will say the passion and heart that has gone into this room is evident from the start. As is mentioned on the website (so no spoilers!) there is a live actor and live magic built into this room. It is delivered at moments that add to the immersion of the story as well as dumbfounding you at the same time!
From a purely puzzle point of view, the puzzles flowed very well with some excellent signposting that was subtle enough to not feel like you were being shoved in the right direction but also obvious enough that you weren’t left scratching your head with what to do. Not the most difficult game I’ve played but still offered up some nice challenges, I think we required only 2 clues in the game excluding pointers where we had stupidly missed things!
I would say this all helps lead to the finale though as I think every team that plays this game will need to experience the ending of the room. If I’m honest there was almost a tear in my eye as the ending was such an awe inspiring, personal, unbelievable, magical (insert more adjectives here!) and just incredible end that had me walking away feeling as though I’ve been part of the magic.