Trapped: Death Cell

Von | Mai 26, 2022

von Trapped (webseite)

Kazimierza Wielkiego 67, 50-077 Wrocław


2-5 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, PL

60 minuten

Unfortunately, the worst-case scenario turned out to be true - you were framed for murder. The court was not favorable to you and locked you in the most secure prison. Each of you is facing a death sentence in the electric chair, and one of you has been imprisoned on it and is counting down your last minutes of life. Suddenly, in the second wing of the prison, a revolt of the other prisoners breaks out, to which all the cell security has run - your plan is working. According to your escape plan, you now have an hour before the guards return to your cell to carry out their sentence. Will you be able to free one of you and then stick to the plan - escape?
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