It’s Christmas Eve. The work of the elves is done and Santa is on his way with his sleigh bulging with wonderful presents.
But as the reindeer soar away into the sky a little tag from one of the presents flutters to the ground. Oh no!
The tag bears the single name, Hazel. But who is Hazel and where does she live? Will she wake up on Christmas morning to an empty stocking?
The elves are just too exhausted to do any more. It’s up to you. They wearily throw you the key to the workshop and charge you with the task of saving the day.
Can you unearth the mysteries of Santa’s workshop, discover where Hazel lives and let Santa know where to deliver the present with the missing tag.
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We played this game as a team building excersize. 2 newbies, 2 experienced players. We tried to sit back and allow the newbies to do the puzzles too. As with all Tessa's games there are some fabulous home made props and unique puzzles and it absolutely doesn't disappoint. We really enjoyed this game and hope it will be back this year too.
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
Some real creativity here, balancing the Christmas theme with One Way Out’s sciency-bent. More than anything, many of the puzzles are just FUN, and even the teenagers were soon giggling gleefully and battling over who got to complete certain tasks.
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