It's the year 1663 and you've managed to sneak on board a pirate's ship in search of treasure! As you enter the captains' quarters you soon realise that finding the booty is no easy task. It's as if the pirates didn't want anyone to get their hands on it! Luckily the captain is nowhere to be seen, but who knows when he may return... Happy treasure hunting landlubbers!!
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Gespielt am: 6 May 2024Teamgröße: 4Benötigte Zeit: 48:59
story-getriebentolles hosting
A fun and enjoyable game to play. Not the most challenging puzzles we’ve seen in an escape room but definitely enough variety to get the brain working. Don’t make the same mistake we did of putting a box down somewhere and forgetting it needed unlocking though!
Such a fun room. The sort that leaves you smiling for the rest of the day. A wide variety of puzzles that don't follow too linear a pattern. You can split up and tackle different challenges but communication is key. Theming is immersive.
A lovely puzzle-packed pirate adventure that uses the space in inventive ways and that was incredibly accessible for the whole family. It might not provide enthusiasts with too much challenge but it is a very enjoyable puzzle romp.
We enjoyed this room a lot although it did feel a bit cramped and very claustrophobic, especially because it was July, the weather was warm and the room was sweltering hot, no air con only a small fan blowing. It felt very dry and humid in the room which did make it uncomfortable. We couldn't wait to get out to be honest!
Apart from that the actual game was good, it was medium difficulty. We managed to get all of the clues apart from about 3, we did collect a lot of coins but we only made 3rd on the leader board!
The host was very welcoming and friendly, the price is good. They were very understanding when I needed to change my booking, because of a family bereavement. They changed it no problem without any extra fees.
The only other thing I would moan about is that they said they would email me a copy of our photo at the end, which i wanted as a keepsake (it was my son's 16th b'day) never came. However I would definitley go again and try another room.
Theming of this room is good but felt a little bit cramped. The clue system stopped working part way through as it seemed to pick up another channel or something as we started hearing other activiety, we was then given a walkie talkie instead which worked until the end of the game. After playing Outatime this felt like a little bit of a let down but I will be back to play the new room and the titanic room
This room was new when we played it and we were determined to get the highest score available, top the leaderboard, and ruin the dreams of all children yet to play it. And we did. Great fun and I think kids would love this room.
A broken prop within the room really faultered my enjoyment of this room. I get that mistakes can happen and things break, especially when things aren’t noticeable of first glance during the reset but we lost a good 10/12 minutes inside until we and the game master realised the puzzle/prop had been previously broken. Had we have had those minutes back, we’d have successfully escaped with everything the room had to offer.
The room itself is actually quite fun. Great little second doubt elements where you have to sacrifice some of your collected items to receive help, it really made you think hard before asking for hints which was an element I’d not seen in other rooms. If I was to compare this room with other at the venue it would be in bottom place but it’s still a great room compared to others I have played at other locations. Attentive host and game masters. Really engaging before during and after gameplay.
Rearly dissapointing as I love collect sort of games. Broken part of the game and no extra time given back. The host seemed like he didn't know what to do despite being amazing in the other 2 rooms
A couple of bits didn't make sense. Just not one for me
How much of the pirates treasure can you steal in 60 minutes? This is another game where the aim is both to escape but how much treasure can you steal as well. Well themed room with some great puzzles that range in difficulty.
Gespielt am: 16 May 2021Teamgröße: 4Ergebnis: Entkommen!
tolles hostingfamilienfreundlich
Great hosting and VERY family friendly. Played with a six year old and 3 adults and the six year old was very capable of figuring out the flow and many of the puzzle answers. There were lots of locks and a few very unique puzzles with this pirate them. It was nice not to have a telescape. I highly recommend for a family game.
I’ve played a few remote “Box” games, this is where focus of the game is a single box, often with multiple locks and compartments. This is one of the better ones, some clever puzzles and ideas that were cleverly implemented. Audio and Video were stable and all handled by Zoom. The theming is pirates which is a winner for me and all the puzzles were in keeping. It’s always great to be surprised by clever games, and this did several times.
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
Our time in Avast was short, but enjoyable. This is probably the easiest of the games at Escapable but that would make it good for beginners. Even then, I think enthusiasts would still have a good time.
Avast! is quite a kid-friendly room overall – no bloodcurdling pirate torture or cursed nautical peril. There were plenty of things Jack-Jack could help with and lots of nice props to interact with