Viva la Revolución! Ihr habt den Präsidentenpalast der Bananenrepublik gestürmt. El Presidente ist geflohen und kommt in einer Stunde mit Verstärkung zurück. Das Volk ist in Aufruhr und verlangt Reformen: Schafft Ihr es, die richtigen Leute auf Eure Seite zu ziehen? Sonst seid Ihr schneller aus dem Amt geputscht als Ihr „Ay Caramba“ sagen könnt!
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It has nothing to do with a classic Escape Room and should be put in a different Genre entirely. You do not Escape, there is pretty much no progression. It's just a single room where you have to influence some characters via votes on a screen, which happen every X minutes. All clues are basically available from the start, you just have to match them with the questions correctly, which can be very finicky. Make too many wrong choices and you have already lost, even if there is time left. You have no agency over anything. It just felt like a complete disappointment.
An original concept which may deter some traditionalists. The time constraints on finding clues to get answers made this an intense experience yet fun and logical with answering questions based on what you find. The GM was excitable and added to the enjoyment with his character.
A bold experiment and one of most Marmite Escape Rooms I've yet found. Sadly missed, I think the reason people didn't warm to it was that it wasn't a traditional escape room, but rather a continuous pressure exercise to find clues and answer questions in order to sway political opponents. I think it was ahead of its time..
I really like this type room of how intense/hard it was. You had to be so quick to find clue as you get a 2 min gap to answer a question base around the president which you only get 5 mins to answer a yes/no question. Which we got all question right (we may not guess a few times ). I will truly miss this one of a kind escape room
If you’ve heard anything at all about Revolución Olé, you’ll probably be aware that it’s a highly unusual sort of escape room with a unique game style. Exactly how it works was clearly explained to us twice, first by our host - who even switched from his in-character Russian accent to more familiar British tones to make sure we understood properly - and then again in an intro video. Still, I’ve heard players saying that they hadn’t quite got the idea until partway through their game. I’ll outlin...
It’s tempting when writing about Revolución Olé to focus on how different it is to your average escape room. And we will: this is a game structured in a very different way. But perhaps the most surprising thing about Revolución Olé is that given how differently it presents, it’s very much a traditional escape room at heart.
As the game synopsis says, this game is about voting and influence so is a little unusual in gameplay but does contain traditional puzzles that you would find in a standard escape room.
It was great to find such a unique room that also presented a high degree of difficulty. It really was unlike any other escape experience and for that fact alone I can’t recommend it enough!
A beautiful looking room, which has saved the rating for me, the game itself I did not enjoy, less of an escape room, as the goal is to answer questions that appear in intervals on a screen, needing to get a % right, all whilst trying to solve clues to get the information for the questions, maybe it was just too much for 2 people, it was definitely too much for us. A good room if you want something a little different to your normal escape room, but not one for me.