Escape Bryggen: Hanseaticus

Von | August 29, 2022

von Escape Bryggen (webseite)

Bryggen 35, 5003 Bergen


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, NO

60 minuten

2 copies
Legends speak of the three smuggler brothers Hanseaticus. It is said that they stole not from merchants and farmers, but from kings and emperors. Over the years they amassed treasures of unspeakable value, and kept it hidden away. It is their chest that you seek in this room. A hundred years have passed since man laid eyes upon the treasure. A treasure guarded by padlocks to keep out those of lacking strength, by riddles to keep out those of lacking mind, and a curse to keep out those of lacking heart. For if any were to attempt their hand in the room and not get out before their time runs out, they too are turned into gold. Be warned, brave souls. You risk much, coming here. Good luck."
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