Take The Exit: Trials of Osiris

Von | Januar 28, 2020

von Take The Exit (webseite)

Wyke Chambers, 7 Silver Street HU1 1HT

01482 014117

Kingston upon Hull

2-7 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

Gehörlosenfreundlich - kontaktieren Sie den Veranstaltungsort für Details🐶

After investigating The Valley of The Kings, Howard Carter also investigated the Trials Of Osiris - but was unsuccessful at completing the mystery.

You and your team are picking up where Howard Carter left off - but find yourselves trapped inside a pyramid!

Solve the clues and puzzles to escape before time is up and discover the Trials Of Osiris !

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Bewertet zwischen 2 und 3.5 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 5 Benutzern
kombiniert mit Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer

Deine Bewertung


Anonymous hat dies bewertet:Rated between 2.5 and 2.5 out of 5
kaputte technikstumpfziemlich leicht
This game was unusual, you walk through the 'second' room so they can lock you in the 'first' room. And then you have to work on getting into the room you just walked through. I'm not entirely sure why this bothered me, it just did. I guess I just prefer other areas of the games to be surprises. 
Before going into the room we were told once you open the 2nd door don't close it, or you'll lock yourself out and we'll have to come in to let you back in (ermm? just add a button?). Quite a lot of 'dont touch this' 'dont touch that' 'this isn't for you' Things were left unlocked and faint but still noticeable remnants from old versions of puzzles.
NOTE: Think this place has recently changed management so things may improve soon. 
🤘The Pick of Destiny experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3.5 and 3.5 out of 5
Teamgröße: 2
Anonymous experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
Teamgröße: 2 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
raffiniertziemlich schwierig

Open plan at the start coming to a good finale with some interesting meta puzzles to escape. Looking at previous reviews it appears some work has been done to change this game.

TheSinger experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 2 and 2 out of 5
Teamgröße: 2 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
frustratingziemlich leicht

The ring could have been a million times better. Played numerous Egyptian style themes and this doesn’t really cut the grade for me. So many 4 digit combination locks with no signposting to which lock referee to which puzzle. Lots of time wasted trying all that remained. 

Has a potential to be really fun with a bit more thought and imagination. Too small of a space to be shovelling sand about, and people with any breathing difficulties will really struggle with the cloud of dust it resulted in. 

I have heard that this has now had a change of ownership so I don’t know if things had changed. It needs to 

The Monkey experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 1.5 and 1.5 out of 5

Just no. Nearly choked to death. Heard sand may have been removed but really not for  me

Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten

I think I still have sand in my teeth

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