Gillian Cat Taylor

Gespielt am: 19 Jan 2022 Teamgröße: 2 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
raffiniertstory-getriebentolles hostingziemlich schwierig

100 minute played. 

A brilliant concept from the start, the story is very immersive. There are a wide variety of puzzle types that enable everyone to feel of use in the room, and really effective in keeping people on their toes. Physical puzzles, code breaking and deduction are all brilliant additions to the more standard "find the combo for the padlock" puzzles which are also well developed.

There is a very novel section that felt slightly aside from the storyline, but as a puzzle fan and a bit of an escape room addict was so entertaining there was no way it could be taken as a negative!

Fran could not be a more attentive host from entry to exit and was a joy to talk to and be debriefed by!