Morgan’s Escapes: Inheritance

Von | August 24, 2024

von Morgan's Escapes (webseite)

Sprachen: EN

📦escape book
Dafydd and Ffion Parry, owners of The Dragon Hotel, died in a freak canoeing accident. Their son, Aled, is set to receive their whole estate, which includes the hotel. Dafydd has an unknown second child, and heir, who deserves their fair share of the estate. Dafydd has heard rumours of this second heir and wants any and all evidence destroyed.

You receive a letter from a friend asking for your help to release evidence of a cover-up. You must use all your puzzle solving skills to unlock the online safe which holds the evidence. It is then up to you what you do with the information you unlock!
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Inheritance is a play-at-home puzzle adventure from Morgan’s Escapes. They produce a range of escape games, murder mysteries and escape room kits in Wales. 

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