Descifra Escape Room: The Maze

Descifra Escape Room: El Laberinto

By | Juli 3, 2023

von Descifra Escape Room (webseite)

C. Real, 56, 28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, ES

80 minuten

Some geniuses’ minds are labyrinths in which even they can get lost. 

Aware of the high price to be paid, Naricio Tornelio Exer is a traveller subscribed to his own world of illusions, lights and shadows. The genius’ conciousness has been progressively splitting off in small pieces and going astray among geometries, distortions and impossible algorithms. 

For days his body lies inert. For days he wanders disoriented somewhere within his own memories. Time draws on unstoppable and, very soon, nothing nor anyone will be able to bring him back. 

Just a few will be able to restore his mind without losing theirs.  


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Bewertet mit 4.5 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer

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Sometimes when booking I read the description of the room and sometimes I don’t. Clearly in this room I didn’t, because I had no clue what to expect.

My first association with a labyrinth is the Greek myth connected to the Minotaur and I expected something along those lines. A temple/tomb kind of game, however it was a totally different labyrinth the one that was expecting us.

The labyrinth was one of the highlights of our trip in view of its originality and therefore its not surprising that it got nominated in the most original game, as well as best riddles, in the Spanish Escape Room Awards 2022.

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