
Gespielt am: 10 Nov 2024 Teamgröße: 4

This game is phenomenal. If you've been to Athens you'll know how well games are put together but this game just had the edge for me. 

With this game, you get it all. The set design, the use of lights and sound. Puzzles, tension, Incredible acting.

Let's talk about sound and light, the games in Athens use both sound and light to it's full potential, however to some international players it's a bit too loud. Our team struggled a bit with the huge decibels that came with some games. This game never felt too loud and there was a beautiful moment with sound and light that gives me goosebumps thinking about it. It was so well done. 

The game brought everything together, I now know cinematics is something Athens do brilliantly and this game was no different. 

It was an awesome experience with a fantastic finale 👏🏻

Slots for this game are incredibly hard to book but if you can, then don't think twice. Oh and if you have a spare seat, let me know, I would absolutely play it again. 

If you're a fan of the Halloween films or Michael Myers himself then this will always give the extra edge to players. 

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