Witty Escapes: The Haunted House

Von | Dezember 9, 2021

von Witty Escapes (webseite)

2-3 Spieler

£8.00 ₹899.00

Sprachen: EN

45-90 minuten

It’s very late at night and you are driving through a country road after an evening with friends. All of a sudden, your car engine stops on the deserted road. You see a mansion towards the end of the road. You knock on it to seek help or refuge for a night. There is no answer but the door opens up for you to enter. You go inside and what you see is a house completely abandoned for who knows how long. 

As soon as you understand that the best thing to do is to escape from that house, the door violently shuts behind you and the lights turn off… and you hear a loud shriek of HELP!

Will you answer the cry for help or will you end up getting trapped in this abandoned house forever? 

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