This is a school-room with a's all a set up! Not that you knew that when you turned up for little Timmy's parents evening. Just a normal 10 minute chat about how he was getting on. Oh how wrong you can be - what has the teacher done? Add crafty, clever and amusing puzzles with a little revenge and what do you get? An hour of FUN! But can you find Timmy's report yourself or will the teacher win?
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Although I gave Guardians of the Gallery half a star more, reflecting the originality of its design and the amount of work that had clearly gone into it, this was the room I enjoyed more. It's simple, charming and fun, with a variety of challenges, some witty, some mathematical, some physically engaging. I think kids would like this room. They'd enjoy the physical elements and the bit with the glasses, and I imagine that they wouldn't require more than some light hand-holding to solve most of the puzzles.
Gespielt am: 27 May 2024Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 61:37Ergebnis: Gescheitert 🙁
We did the Teachers Revenge room. The room was full of lots of techy aspects that were good and well thought out. We’ve done a lot of escape rooms and if being honest this was not one of the best sets for the money, we found it a little pricey.
Our experience was a little spoilt by the amount of clues given, we would have much preferred to be able to tackle the puzzles and have a clue if needed.
We were however grateful to Ruth who was very accommodation and came into the shop for our very last minute booking.
Oh I did really love this room. From the soundtrack, to the decoration, to the puzzles you had to do. I've not done a room so far where the puzzles just flowed so seamlessly from one to the other. That's not to say they were easy, they were a really nice level - but they all made sense and were very balanced in terms of physical and mental. Some lovely touches of humour too made this probably my favourite game here!
Simply a fun game. Great use of humour throughout and really enjoyed the song choices in the soundtrack. Great variety of puzzles each themed around different school subjects / day in the life of a teacher. Probably my favourite at this company but they are all very good!
A lot of fun as you try and find your errant childs school report, good variety of puzzles.
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
If school was this fun, I’d probably be a doctor. This room was a joy from start to end thanks to its clever puzzles and lighthearted design. Was it as fun as Shimmy Shimmy or as impressive as Guardians? Probably not, but it was very close!
A game that will bring back many memories, delight with its complex
puzzling, and satisfy even the most puzzle hungry enthusiast!
Back to one of our favourite venues (Want To Escape) for their brand-new original room, Teacher’s Revenge. Despite the family-friendly theme