Zvonárska 153/17, 040 01 Košice
1-4 Spieler
£21.00 €25.00
70 minuten
Those who only bring us destruction here are on the rise, and we are slowly becoming refugees in our own world. The last battle is imminent. And believe me, they are ready.
In order to know the plans of the Dark Side, we´ll have to look back for a moment. But how? Well, there is one possibility. But it will be challenging. There is a memory of one of Voldemort’s Death Eaters, who hid this object. I won’t have time to tell you more now. You´re clever, you´ll figure it out. But one thing is certain – you have to get it from him at all costs.
Today you have the opportunity to protect our home and our legacy. Without this memory, you leave the fate of the world to a chance. You must not fail!

basierend auf Bewertungen von 2 Benutzern
Deine Bewertung

We enjoyed this magical environment, and overall everything worked well. There was one search fail for a counting puzzle that cost us a lot of time, but que sera sera.
My only complaint would be that they WAY TO INTERACT WITH OBJECTS was explained at the start and was consistent throughout the game....UNTIL a puzzle near the end. We had two items in our inventory that we needed to use and we tried repeatedly to use them many times but failed using the function explained in the tutorial. Finally, one member of our team accidentally discovered the function needed to use them, but it was incongruent and we only found it by chance.
Overall, though, a fun and satisfying game.

Can you find your way through this Harry Potter-themed environment?
Not sure what the story would be in this online telescape based game, but you did look around and found puzzles with a magic theme all the way. Nice decor and lots of sounds and feedback in this game.
The biggest obstacle for us was how we should use things. In this game you can combine things by writing names in a text box. But we managed and it didn't take too much away from the puzzles. We just wished for a bit more consistency and not a spelling contest.
We had to take a few hints - not because we couldn't solve the puzzle but because the input sequence did not make sense for us. Also we failed a counting puzzle by counting some that shouldn't be counted. That was a new one for us - usually we miss some.
Some nice videos - unfortunately they only played for one player.
Mixed experience - we did play others from the same company and we often feel that the digitization gets in the way of the game for them. This was probably the game where it worked best.
It was a bit maddening how many "hidden" doors that was there and only a few was used... but that was also very fun. We love hidden doors.