von Lock And Key Escape (webseite)
4020 Minnehaha Ave, MN 55406
2-6 Spieler
£101.00 $125.00
schauspieler / audio
You and a group of friends are attending the online reading of the last will and testament of your late uncle Lester Milton, legendary game inventor, and eccentric millionaire. As you log-in to the Zoom call, a lawyer informs you that the reading of will begins in one hour; any addendums to the will must be submitted before then. She then sends you to a cryptic website.
The final conclusion to the division of his estate will be as odd as the man himself. Can you make sure that you and your friends are going to get a share of Uncle Milton’s fortune?
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basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer
Deine Bewertung
Wei-Hwa Huang experte hat dies bewertet:
Teamgröße: 3 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
The "actor" isn't even playing a role; they're just there to give you hints if you need them... and if you don't need hints, like us, they might as well not be there at all. A mildly amusing set of puzzles but with only very loose cohesion to the story.