For an investigation, you and your team participate in a dozen tests at THE DOME Research Facilities.
The life-threatening criminal cyborg Hector at the same time undergoes the first CMNT treatment on a cyborg ever. .
Hector does not appear to be sensitive to the treatment and thus manages to hack THE DOME system during one of the tests with his internal computer. His henchmen, at the same time on the other side of the world, disable the head of security of THE DOME, Thommas Wigg. .
Because of this, there is nothing that can stop Hector from breaking out. With the result; the escape of an extremely high dose of sodium cyclamate in the research area. You and your team will be stunned by this substance and end up in a heavy hallucination from that moment on.
Do you and your team manage to let go of all logic after Hectors escape and go along with the flow of your hallucination? Or do you get caught up in the illusion that under the influence of sodium Cyclamate you still have some idea of what is reality...
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This was absolutely fantastic! I found myself constantly reflecting on what had just happened and marveling at how we ended up where we were. It was incredibly fun, truly unforgettable, and an adventure I’ll cherish forever.
We were constantly amazed and surprised throughout the experience—nothing went as expected, and it was fantastic in every way. The unpredictability added an extra layer of excitement, making it incredibly fun and intense. A truly cool and memorable adventure!
Gespielt am: 9 Jun 2024Teamgröße: 2Ergebnis: Entkommen!
hightechimmersiveposziemlich schwierig
We’ve talked through every step and every puzzle of this game at least three times and we can’t get over it. So fun, so stressful at times, so cool. You gotta do it.
Gespielt am: 26 May 2024Teamgröße: 2Ergebnis: Entkommen!
Even now, after a drink, a game of pool in the ultra-funky lobby area of Mama Bazooka, a video replay of our game highlights (do I really look/sound like that?!), the drive back to our campsite and a full-on debrief with the other half of the team, I'm still a bit stumped as to what I was just a part of.We got out in time... but were we successful? Did I do puzzles? Did I run around like a headless chicken? Did we even just do an escape room?! The Dome defies convention, logic and, at times, time and space. Now that I look back on it, I can see the links, the threads of thought, the flow of the gameplay but in the game, I was a bewildered rabbit in the glaring headlights of The Dome, subject only to the whims of Mama Bazooka and the relentlessly bonkers imagination of whoever dreamed up the whole concept. It's genius, really, and truly is one of those 'just go and play it' games where you need to embrace the lunacy and throw yourself into every moment because - as with anything truly enjoyable - it will be over before you know it and you'll be wishing you could go back to the beginning to play it again.
Anonymous experte hat dies bewertet:
Teamgröße: 5
originalheftigeposziemlich schwierig
The Dome has an amazing briefing area with pool/darts/other games to keep you occupied before your game. This game is now "old" but what happens in the game still surpasses most games that are being created today. It is very easy to see why this game has been so talked about and so well rated. You simply cannot miss this game.
You may have heard of The Dome. In fact, I'm tempted to write two versions of this review: one for those who've never heard it mentioned, and another for everyone who knows of it as the game that came top of the 2019 TERPECA awards, the current reigning champion of the English-speaking world's escape room scene. Hype kills enjoyment and no escape room, however magnificent, can live up to such billing; the best way to play it is to stumble across it having heard nothing about it in advance. But i...
A very belated review of the game that’s been voted the world’s best on two separate occasions, and with good reason. It mixed high-quality puzzles, impressive set decoration and a sense of adventure to leave every other escape room trailing in its wake.
I have played this room already for the 2nd time and feel strengthened in my thesis. THE D👽ME IS NOT FROM THIS WORLD!!! Extraterrestrials have created in order to test the intelligence of mankind 🤯. Because what Escape Room Netherland delivers here is simply mindfucking awesome!
The best way to describe The Dome would be to call it a spectacle. And I’m inclined to think that’s the reason this game has been considered by escape room enthusiasts to be one of the top three games in the world for the last five years. However, taste is subjective
It’s best played with very little expectations (though I suppose being for a while #1 in the world does come with it a certain level of expectation), so I’ll leave the review with just one final question:
However, our experience with The Dome was one of the best Escape Room experiences we have ever had. Because The Dome is much more than just an Escape Room, it is THE Escape Room. It is the essence of everything that makes up an Escape Room, no other room has managed to call up this range of emotions in me and my fellow players like The Dome.
After 360 theatres in France and Austria, I must admit that we have somewhat lost our ability to marvel at a theatre. We liked to play, but not as much as before and I also admit that we were sometimes disappointed by poor quality theatres, with quick decorations, a reception that was a bit of a factory, and uninteresting riddles. You should know that our trip to the Netherlands gave us back a taste for escapes, amazed us and we are so eager to go back there!We are going to talk to you here...
Die insgesamt zehn Räume unterscheiden sich enorm – sowohl im Setting wie auch im Rätseldesign. Wir hatten etwas den Eindruck, als wäre jeder Raum von einem anderen Designer entwickelt. So ergab sich für uns leider kein wirklich durchgehend stringentes Spielerlebnis, auch wenn die Räume und Rätsel für sich selbst gesehen sehr beeindruckend waren. Denn was "The Dome" zehn Mal pro Raum liefert kriegt man in manchen Fluchtspielen nicht mal in einem. So blieb bei uns am Ende das Gefühl der Überwältigung und Überforderung.