Can you solve the case of the Defective Detective?
One of our most popular rooms to date is alive and kicking however the victim isn't.
There has been a murder! However the detective has come to the completely wrong conclusion. You must gather your own team of detective friends and family and try to solve who the real killer was before he hands in his case at Police HQ.
Quite possibly one of the most ridiculous investigations you might find yourself on, expect lots of laughs and surprises along the way! This is one you really won't want to miss!
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Started off well with some clever ideas with puzzles and slowly deteriorated as the room went on. The VHS tapes seemed fractured and slowed the room down. The ending was a damp squid in my opinion too. The idea is good on paper, but it's poorly executed and disappointing
Gespielt am: 20 Jan 2020Teamgröße: 3Benötigte Zeit: 42
story-getriebenschlechtes hostingstumpf
Kinda average. Unattentive host and the puzzles didn't flow well particularly. There were some interesting ideas but felt poorly executed and cheaply designed. Underwhelming conclusion to the story
This room is really good. I like the story and the environment of the theming. We did struggle a bit but that didn't stop us from liking this room. The puzzle were unique and clever
A man is dead and it's up to you to gather the evidence and solve the mystery, in the 60 minutes you have before the cops arrive and make a hash of things.
A murder investigation is a tried and tested escape room theme. Defective Detective mixes it up in two ways, most obviously with its use of technology but also with a tongue-in-cheek edge to the design - it parodies its genre, but mostly in a subtle way that players may not notice, at least at first.
More obvious is the way the game uses t...
A pretty room with solid puzzles but that never really caught my imagination with its humour.
This room didn’t feel up to the same level as the other Panic Room rooms, and although it was fun, we left feeling a bit flat
This is a weird one. Defective Detective is billed as a comedy room, and that’s a tough thing to try as comedy is so subjective. The room itself is packed full of puns which, if I’m honest, did nothing for me at all. But what the room does manage to do is create a degree of situational comedy. What’s weird is that the “situation” you’re in is half investigating a murder and half “being in an escape room”. So yeah, weird.