Brent Chadwick had a rough childhood. He grew up in the shadow of his mother, Lucille, who was the founder of the “Church of the Untemptables” (COTU). The COTU was a Christian-fundamentalist church in the eighties that preached: “Resist all temptations, but if you aren’t able to resist, you still have the chance of salvation if you punish yourselves equal to the sin you have committed.” So no wonder Brent went crazy and, after his mother died, moved to a hidden room – the very room you are about to enter. This strange place is full of traps. The only way to escape is to find the urn of Lucille’s ashes. If you fail and are still here after an hour, Brent will arrive home and I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when he does.
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I did this one quite a while ago, but I remember it was pretty atmospheric and had a couple of really nice moments. I was annoyed at one of the puzzles but wouldn't have been if I'd worked it out! Certainly could be better but I'm glad we did it.
Anonymous hat dies bewertet:
Gespielt am: 31 Oct 2020Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 59:10Ergebnis: Entkommen!
Worst room by far out of 70+ rooms played. Random puzzles having no link to the theme, ridiculously difficult puzzle at one point that even the GM couldn't do when they came into the room to assist. Ignored by the GM several times when asking for a hint. Poor signposting between clues and tech that didn't work. Absolutely dire game, if it was your first escape room you'd probably never do another.
I'm writing this review more than two years after playing the TRAP rooms, so my memory is unreliable and they may have changed anyhow - the Bomb Room for one appears to no longer exist. Also, we played all four rooms in a crazy consecutive burst of enthusiasm, which makes it harder to remember which was which.
However, it's safe to say that the TRAP rooms were good mass-market escape rooms with more of a emphasis on physical puzzles, almost with a Crystal Maze feel. Everything's robustly design...
Another great TRAP-designed room. One skill based challenge is likely to frustrate, particularly for shorter players so if you lack patience make sure you bring the right people along! Great them and a good final puzzle.