Clue HQ Birmingham: A-I-9

Von | März 20, 2019

von Clue HQ Birmingham (webseite)

Arches 20 & 21, Lionel Street, B3 1AG


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

Six months after the great inventor Professor Tepet’s death – M.I.6. gained access to the lab where he kept all of his greatest inventions. Among the files, they found an abandoned document called A-I-9 detailing an artificial intelligence peacekeeping program. Scientists finally managed to recreate the program, rolling it out across the nation. A type of robot (called ‘9bots’) were integrated into society. The NHS could diagnose patients before symptoms appeared while the army neutralised threats before they happened, the country thrived, for a time. 24 hours ago an anomaly appeared in the code shutting down internet and telecommunications worldwide and soon after chaos ensued. A-I-9 is corrupting the system from the inside. This was meant to be impossible. The only way to stop it is to destroy it before it can destroy us – can you get past their self-protection systems?
“The end of the world was always going to be man-made. The only question was how?” – Professor Errol Tepet
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Bewertet zwischen 3 und 4 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 33 Benutzern
kombiniert mit Bewertungen von 2 Benutzern

Deine Bewertung


Cat.P hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3.5 and 3.5 out of 5
Gespielt am: Apr 2017 Teamgröße: 4 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
Anthony Ian Stephen Sheldrake hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
Teamgröße: 4 Benötigte Zeit: 27:20 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
hightechtolles hostingziemlich leicht
grogu42 erfahren hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3 and 3 out of 5
Teamgröße: 4 Benötigte Zeit: 45.00 Ergebnis: Entkommen!

Didn't care for this game. Mostly linear game with pretty standard puzzles, so most of the game was bottlenecked, so not really fun for a group of 4.

Mark Greenhalgh experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3 and 3 out of 5
Gespielt am: 23/06/17
Alice Lucy hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3 and 3 out of 5
Gespielt am: 30 Oct 2021 Teamgröße: 4 Benötigte Zeit: 40 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
kaputte technik

Was fun theming, but for sure had more people than needed, especially for a relatively small room - often had 2 people just waiting, or feeling in the way during certain tasks. 

Also one of the puzzles involved a computer with a wireless mouse that massively lagged, meaning the wrong things were clicked, and certain buttons were off the screen that the host had to let us know there was an issue. That one puzzle took about half our time, which was a bit of a pain.

🦡cipherdelic virtuose hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3.5 and 3.5 out of 5
🔐James Bloodworth experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
Gespielt am: 04/09/2021 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 49:08 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
hightechtolles hosting
One of their older games but can still hold its own.  A non-linear format allows multiple puzzles to be tackled, indeed when one of us was stuck we would switch and move to a different puzzle.  There is one puzzle that has the potential to be as infuriating at the 'drip' puzzle (if you know, you know) but they have mitigated the listening phase of the puzzle.
Sean Nash hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3 and 3 out of 5
Gespielt am: 11 Dec 2017 Teamgröße: 5 Benötigte Zeit: 51 mins

A small room - either do this with 2-3 people max. Lots of locks. Teamwork required but sad there wasn't a second room. Good intense ending.

smudgepuss hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3 and 3 out of 5
Gespielt am: 29/05/2017 Teamgröße: 6 Benötigte Zeit: About 20 minutes Ergebnis: Entkommen!

Honestly, we played this with too many of us.  Do it either with a small team, or inexperienced players.  We're relatively experienced, and there are lots of parallel puzzles.  I don't remember how long we took but our host appeared breathless at the door 30 seconds after we escaped as he hadn't quite paid attention and didn't expect us to finish so fast!

As a guide, we turned up exactly on the dot of when we should have but somehow still missed the communal briefing with all the other teams.  Then after we got out, we had our victory photo, a nice chat with out host, a bit of a wait while they worked out if there were any free slots for other puzzles later in the week (they try to sell you a reduced rate voucher for another game afterwards, but as we were only around for a week there was no point if we couldn't use it), chatted some more, and still didn't see a single other person (we could hear them!) before leaving.

Aine Morgan hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4.5 and 4.5 out of 5
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Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten

I'm a sucker for most sci-fi themes, so with a choice of games for a morning slot at Clue HQ's Birmingham branch I went straight for A-I-9's story of battling a rogue artificial intelligence. Also, the alternatives were their Cell Block C and Bunker 38 rooms which have been franchised to a wider number of locations across the UK, so it made sense to go for the harder-to-find game.

Clue HQ is one of the UK's large escape chains, with currently three core branches and close to a dozen franchise l...

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