Your friend has been wrongly accused of murder, and sentenced to death. They are locked in the confines of a medieval dungeon and it’s up to you to break in and save them. Can you free your friend and escape the dungeon together before the guard patrols the area again. You’ve got 60 minutes or you’ll all be sentenced to the same fate.
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Gespielt am: 11 Feb 2024Teamgröße: 3Benötigte Zeit: 57:47Ergebnis: Entkommen!
story-getriebenfamilienfreundlichkaputte technik
A fun game with multiple objectives! Great dungeon theming (aside from a slightly incongruous filing cabinet) and a great variety of puzzles with clear signposting and nice physical locks. A few confusing moments - there were a few number locks with coloured wheels which seemed to indicate the answers would match up to colours but didn’t; one padlock was VERY stiff and the key wouldn’t open it until the fifth try, some jiggling and wasted minutes trying other locks - which I wouldn’t have tried until the host told me that key was for that lock so it wouldn’t fit any others; and two codes were very similar so that I accidentally opened the wrong lock with another code and we then got confused as to what the other code actually was! Feel like it would benefit the game to change the code as we were told it’s happened to a lot of other teams! There was also a pre-labelled ‘do not touch’ lock which we were told didn’t work, so it didn’t seem like it had recently happened, so it would have been nice if that was fixed. But good fun overall and a good room for beginners!
Gespielt am: 19 Feb 2023Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 38:31Ergebnis: Entkommen!
Good setting as I'm used to from Clue HQ. The puzzles are to some extent on the simple side, or at least they're unlikely to engage the lateral thinking of an experienced team, but there are a lot of them to work through and I think it would be a good room for beginners.
Anonymous experte hat dies bewertet:
Teamgröße: 4Ergebnis: Entkommen!
schlechtes hosting
A decent set of puzzles are not forgiven by multiple 4-digital padlocks. Also, we were blamed for a key falling off something, stopping the ending from being possible, because no key. We also felt rushed out of the premises at the end.
Once again imprisoned for a crime I did not commit! Dungeon of Doom is normally a 3 player minimum, but we talked them into letting us play as a 2. This is a split start game where one played is imprisioned and looking at it, there is only one puzzle that definitely needs two players whilst the third is unavailable but there is a lot to do here and not all of as straight forward as you might think. Theming is good and once again we had a lot of fun playing this game.
We escaped in September 2016 in 50:40 minutes with a crew of 6 people.
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
A review of four games we played in mid-2017 at Escapism and Breakout in Chester and Clue HQ Warrington. Dungeon of Doom and Teleporter were both solid games while Amphitheatre and Disturbed paled in comparison.