Escapetopus erfahren rezensierte
The Watch Tower von
Escape The Fort:
Gespielt am: 15 Mar 2025 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 73 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
immersivtolles hostingheftig
Fantastic in-character hosting and a unique setting in a genuine fort made for a very immersive experience. There was some tricky searching - which we were rubbish at- we needed clues for finding several things! and some clever puzzles with great theming.
Peter Hoare erfahren rezensierte
The Bank Heist von
Escape Plymouth:
Gespielt am: 15 Mar 2025 Teamgröße: 2
unlogischkaputte technikziemlich schwierig
A nice enough set, but not a great room overall. Pretty illogical with some non existent signposting leading to some very frustrating vault opening at the end. Some props that either didn't work at all, or clearly used to work but were now just part of the scenery.
Found this really quite frustrating. Some simple signposting would help a lot.
samsham experte bewertete
The White Room von
Time Trapped:
Gespielt am: 15 Mar 2025 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 43:20 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
originalimmersivtolles hostingziemlich leicht