ParaPark Satu Mare: Community Cube Factory – Phase 1

Von | Juli 7, 2023

von ParaPark Satu Mare (webseite)

Bulevardul Ion C. Brătianu 1, Satu Mare

Satu Mare

2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, RO, HU

60 minuten

„Cubes are the root of all power, my comrades. We need the dedicated work of all of you if we want to harness that power! We have to create the best object ever manufactured: the Hungarian Cube. Orbs and cones cannot compete with the National Object of Hungary!”

It was motivational speeches such as this one that used to fire up workers in the Community Cube Factory, and encourage them to surpass the norm. And they succeeded: there is absolutely nothing normal about this factory floor. Abandoned assembly lines, derelict machines, and the ghosts of factory workers past haunt the basement. Everything’s fallen to pieces. Can you put those pieces back together?

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