Escape Room Thailand: The Mysterious Room

Von | April 12, 2022

von Escape Room Thailand (webseite)

lot no m3 & m4, Mah Boonkrong, MBK Center, 444 Phayathai Road, SF Cinema City, Floor 7th


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, TH

45 minuten
ou have learned that Dr. Malcolm has his valuable stored in his secret workshop and this is your chance to get revenge at your rival. You recruit your former colleagues and criminal specialists. Several of the team members carry out reconnaissance at the site to learn as much as possible about the security, the routines and behaviors of Dr. Malcolm, and the building itself. Others create a precise replica of the vault with which to practice maneuvering through its formidable security systems. You have to work together with your accomplice and decode cryptic message left behind by the Dr. Malcolm. Find the valuable and flee the premises without triggering the alarms within forty-five minutes.
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