Mistery Escape Room Taverne: La casa dei misteri

Von | Juli 5, 2021

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von Mistery Escape Room Taverne (webseite)

Via Rainéd 9, 6808 Taverne


2-10 Spieler

Sprachen: IT

60 minuten

Nur IT

It is said that within the walls of the house of mysteries there is a hidden treasure, a treasure chest of inestimable value. Sgrooven would have hidden it there, a greedy and miserly exploiter of the city of .......

The 88-year-old, once an art dealer, left 9 clues to find the precious chest containing Alaskan nuggets, gold coins and jewels encrusted with diamonds, sapphires and emeralds.

The treasure that Sgrooven has hidden with his hands is located within the walls of the house but in his custody a dangerous dragon has been entrusted to Darkan that only your cunning will be able to defeat

In recent years, many have set out in search of the precious treasure chest, putting their lives at risk, in some cases. There are those who have disappeared and were found lifeless after months to follow one of the clues.

To find the treasure it is advisable to take time to reflect and think, study the clues well.

But will this be the real treasure? ...

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