Mobile Escapes: Once in a Blue Moon

Von | Februar 21, 2021

von Mobile Escapes (webseite)

2-5 Spieler

£8.00pp CA$14.99pp

45 minuten

You arrive home after a long day and at your doorstep is an envelope titled "Once in a blue moon". Very intrigued, you immediately open it and find a mysterious letter: “Dear adventurer, a moon is said to be 'blue' when it is the second full moon within the same month. This astrological phenomenon occurs on average only once every 2.4 years. This year, the blue moon happens to be on the same night as Halloween, a coincidence that hasn’t happened since 1955! Please consider this letter as your official invitation. One that is as rare as the blue moon that we will be under very soon…”

A bit confused, you see a time, a date and a place on the envelope of your letter. Are you willing to embark in this mystery, all the while witnessing history?

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