von Black Key Escape Rooms (webseite)
24 S Prince St, PA 17551
4-8 Spieler
4 Spieler: £60.00 $74.99
6 Spieler: £77.00 $94.98
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Doctor Deranged has introduced his highly lethal gene altering drug, Xylenium X, into a massive body of water in the United States!
It will take 60-minutes for the drug to reach the water supply of several major cities and soon the entire world.
Can you and your team of special agents crack the case and create the antidote before its too late?
vollständige Beschreibung anzeigenIt will take 60-minutes for the drug to reach the water supply of several major cities and soon the entire world.
Can you and your team of special agents crack the case and create the antidote before its too late?
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