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Gespielt am: 12 Jan 2025Teamgröße: 4Ergebnis: Entkommen!
raffinierttolles hosting
This is one of the better CSI games in that it actually feels like you are doing the investigation as opposed to opening a series of locked boxes. The environment is sparse but themed well and the puzzle unfolds in a mostly linear style. A good usage of an hour.
Gespielt am: 14 May 2022Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 55:28Ergebnis: Entkommen!
hightechraffinierttolles hosting
Very immersive set with a fun story that gets even more immersive when tied with the objects given to you in the game. Great puzzles that flow onto each other really well. Hosting of this game is really important and was extremely well executed.
Good room, however very easy if you’re into CSI stuff. My team mate was ill so basically did this alone in no time. Still fun nevertheless and glad I did it
The Mythologic team continue to develop a brilliant and diverse set of escape rooms and this is no exception. We all agreed that we would highly recommended this room to all. With a brilliant combination of murder mystery coupled with old school styling, really strong puzzles and a great theme – make sure you add this one to the to-do list. Very different from many other escape room experiences, this is sure to be one you wont forget.
The Mythologic team continue to develop a brilliant and diverse set of escape rooms and this is no exception. We all agreed that we would highly recommended this room to all. With a brilliant combination of murder mystery coupled with old school styling, really strong puzzles and a great theme - make sure you add this one to the to-do list. Very different from many other escape room experiences, this is sure to be one you wont forget.