Unlock!: An Unforeseen Delay

By | Juni 22, 2021

Room-in-a-box, Apr 2021

Rated 3.5 out of 5
Toby says:

In the second of Unlock’s Star Wars games you are a smuggler attempting to escape from imprisonment on an Imperial cruiser. Like the first, this is definitely a game designed for beginners.
Also like the first, it successfully conveys an action movie feel, being both fast paced and true to the source movies. This one aims to be a character ensemble, with you building up a team of allies who each have different skills to be used.
It had my favourite moment from any of this set of three games, but also my least favourite one, with slightly more of a tendency to using gotchas. All three Star Wars games struck me as solid and thoroughly play-tested; I’d give the edge to the other two ahead of this one, but this too is a decent game as long as you’re expecting a pretty mild challenge level. 3.5 / 5
Pris rated this:3.5 / 5

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