Robert Storey

Gespielt am: 18 Mar 2025 Teamgröße: 3 Benötigte Zeit: 36 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
originaltolles hostingziemlich leicht

What an introduction to Mindworks! Fogg was a brilliant host/GM and was perfect in his analysis of our team, and thus pitched his briefing just right (this is the first room I've taken over the briefing at one point (as a GM myself) and Fogg took a seat as if he was part of the team. It's the small touches ;) ).

Room wise all the puzzles flowed nicely with good signposting. We overcomplicated a couple of things but some.... tactical clueing from Fogg (or perhaps a rouge gust of wind.. inside) came at just the right time to keep us moving along, on something we would have otherwise spent a wee bit of time on... .

Would have been good to have some sort of note-taking device for this room, though for the theme of the room perhaps harder to fit in. 

Well worth a trip down to the coast!

Gespielt am: 18 Mar 2025 Teamgröße: 3 Benötigte Zeit: 51.18 (£192,750) Ergebnis: Entkommen!
originalraffinierttolles hosting

Game number two of the day and it smashed expectations.  Brilliantly designed such that you always have something to do, and from the information given to us by Jamie, it's rare a team will get through everything available in the room. 3 felt like a good number, but an extra pair of eyes would not have gone amiss. Everything was signposted just the right amount, and the story felt a part of the room in terms of the puzzles. 

Jamie was a brilliant producer of the show, and more than did justice to the show with his suit jacket (if you know, you know).

Gespielt am: 6 Jan 2025 Teamgröße: 4 Benötigte Zeit: 30:10 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
preis-leistungs-verhältniskomischtolles hosting
Gespielt am: 12 Jan 2019
Gespielt am: 5 Jan 2025 Teamgröße: 3 Benötigte Zeit: 41:26 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
originalraffinierttolles hostingziemlich leicht

Probably the best executed split start I've played (and I'm a sucker for a split start), brilliant puns and logical puzzles to boot. 

Neat collection system with plenty of signposting for the 30 odd locks in the room. 

We had the dynamic duo of Kelly and new GM Sam and couldn't have asked for anything else from them :) 

Gespielt am: 5 Jan 2025 Teamgröße: 3 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
originalraffinierttolles hosting

EO keep smashing it, and this time with a wonderful padlock-heavy room! A great use of the old scarlet space. Great hosting as always, thanks Kelly!

Get down to play this before Joey runs away again in Feb 

Gespielt am: 21/06/2024 Teamgröße: 3 Benötigte Zeit: 70:32 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
originalraffiniertschlechtes hostingziemlich schwierig

It was time to return to the Darkmaster, for their third birthday offer was a great opportunity to get back down as we were passing through. Shamley's is a massive game, and certainly is a 90-minute game and not a 60-minute game disguised as a 90-minuter. Puzzles were mostly coherent, with a number of aha moments. We were stumped by one non-puzzle aspect of the room which felt like poor design upon reflection rather than just us being silly. If that aspect would have been different, I would have felt much more satisfied with the room as a whole. I also felt the ending, whilst unique, was also quite weak. One puzzle is in the wrong place in the room and so the pacing felt off from the start. Good puzzle, wrong place in the room . This puzzle's answer was also not quite satisfying since it didn't feel clear and found ourselves working out the answer from the most solid pieces of the answer (yes slightly confusing but if you play you'll understand).

This is now the second visit to DarkMaster, and the second time we have left feeling like the GM could have had a little bit more enthusiasm and just felt like with a little more oomph, it could have really made this room. Briefing was very, well, brief, the greeting was fairly standard, and the end of game entry and debrief really felt forced and a little on the awkward side. It's for this reason I can't give any more than the 3.5 stars here.  It's probably a high 4-4.3 star room, with slightly more from the GM. 

Gespielt am: 20 Jan 2024 Teamgröße: 3 Benötigte Zeit: 38.16 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
preis-leistungs-verhältnistolles hostinglots of locksziemlich leicht
A flowchart as to whether you should play this game before it closes at the start of Feb:
Do you like locks? If yes, play this room. If no; Do you like great puzzles; Yes - Play this room. No - What are you doing looking at escape rooms /s ?
Now for the actual review bit:For a room transformed from captive in just 6 weeks, boy has Kelly and her team smashed it. An absolute metric ton worth of puzzles, all logical with the right level of signposting. The set was great and the room is actually bigger than its predecessor Captive by utilising a little extra space, which the team have done very well indeed. All set dressing felt in theme (apart from a couple of rogue red splatters from Captive on the ceiling but you need to leave nods to past rooms in there somewhere!) 
Now..... this is the part that really screams that this is a good room. One of the locks was left unlocked on the right code for our game. Mistakes happen. The fact that I looked around (knowing the code) and knew exactly how I would get to it straight away meant that it didn't hinder the experience at all. In other rooms this would have been a deal-breaker but not at EO. Let's be honest we all forgot about it anyway, that's how good the rooms are.Whilst none of us did a "Kelly" (and we need to make this a phrase known across the community, not just at EO!!!!), we had some d'oh moments but only due to our own fault of not seeing the obvious!Massive shout-out to Kelly, Kodi and Lily for hosting us, there's something lovely about your style of hosting which other locations miss - straight forward, to the point and friendly. 
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