Welcome to the Conservation Crisis: NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT FOR WILDLIFE. Poachers are planning to steal some endangered animals at sunset. The poachers have locked you in your compound and set puzzles to prevent you from escaping before they complete their illegal plans. As conservationists racing against the clock, you'll navigate through a labyrinth of clues and challenges, piecing together evidence, and outsmarting the poachers' traps. Will you succeed in protecting wildlife and preserving the delicate balance of nature within one hour?
For every room booked in 'Conservation Crisis' Escapism Chester, a donation will be made to Chester Zoo supporting their mission to ensure nature survives and thrives globally.
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Gespielt am: 5 Nov 2024Teamgröße: 3Benötigte Zeit: 59.08Ergebnis: Entkommen!
schönoriginalfamilienfreundlichziemlich schwierig
Very enjoyable room. Played as a 3 but would suit teams of 2-5. Lots and lots to do! Very well themed and lots of original puzzles. Recommend this room if you are in the area. Very good hosting.
Gespielt am: 3 Aug 2024Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 54
originalstory-getriebencheaply made
Loads of puzzles to do that kept us busy for loads of the time.
We were told not to open a flap. But there were quite a few things that could have been so wasted loads of time not lifting something if we should have. Bad design choice if that’s the case
Gespielt am: 17 Aug 2024Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 50minsErgebnis: Entkommen!
originalraffinierttolles hosting
A proper, classic escape room with loads of puzzles to keep you busy and take up the majority of the hour!
When I first got in the room it was clear that the sign posting of the order to complete the room was very blatantly laid out. I’m not normally a fan of this but with the amount you need to do to complete this room I was soon grateful for it!
Nothing was majorly taxing if you’ve done a few escape rooms but there was enough in there to keep you busy and occasionally have you stop and think about what to do next. We needed a couple of clues due to not looking around as much as we should have.
The room was totally linear which was fine for a team of two escape room enthusiasts as we got to do everything in there.
If you like a room where the puzzles come thick and fast then I cannot recommend this one enough.