von Escapade HQ (webseite)
111 Old Dundonald Rd, BT16 1XT
2-6 Spieler
Sprachen: EN
60 minuten

geschätzte Punktzahl
nicht aus direkten Bewertungen
Deine Bewertung

Reportedly their hardest room, slightly more challenging than the others but good fun. Half a mark taken off for basic room design, but this is consistent throughout the company.

Nice simple set design but immersive enough to feel like you’re in a sub. You do have to use something more than once, this isn’t mentioned in the briefing so we did waste a bit of time assuming it followed standard ER rules. That’s probably just an us problem though! There’s a couple difficult puzzles but nothing too strenuous, we were told we struggled on the easy puzzles & not the hard ones. One of the better games at Escape Ipswich.

I like the concept of the game but sadly on the day some tech was broken, adding time and requiring the host to come in. We requested extra time to allow for this but weren’t given any, which felt unfair.
One of our torches was broken meaning that one player was very hampered by being unable to see properly, making the experience frustrating.
I do think this would be a good room without these set backs, and this was some months ago so hopefully back on track now.