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A really strong room from XscapeNow, a nice variation of puzzles that allowed each of our group members to find their strengths. Without going into spoilers there was also some clever interactions between the two rooms which I appreciated. There are an awful lot of great rooms at this venue and while I personally preferred the themes of their others that doesn't take away from this being a unique and really enjoyable room.
Lovely balance of puzzle types. Kept the 3 of us busy for 45 minutes. Small space so wouldn’t suggest teams any bigger than 3 in either room. Logical and a good flow to it all.
Excellent room, tough for 2 and kept us working right until the end.
Excellent variety of puzzles, and clever interactions throughout the room.
Fantastic hosting as per usual!
A lot of puzzles crammed into the game however. Found some of the signposting at times too close to other things. Really struggled to get into this game but that could be down to teething problems as we'd played it only the first few weeks of opening. Found the end goal wasn't clear enough
Time Trap’s wartime game is based around Bletchley counter-espionage. Set in a railway station, it gives you the job of identifying which of seven suspects is a spy. You have an additional bonus mission - apparently the spy has hidden several cylinders of coded information around the station, and you’re to find as many of these as you can.
All Time Trap’s games boast high quality sets. Station X is I think the most authentic-feeling of theirs so far, perhaps because it’s set in a more recent ti...
A room that immerses you in the 1940s from the moment you arrive right through to the end of the game. It's a beautiful experience with fun puzzles, interesting interactions, a little bit of humour and some bonus content to keep enthusiasts busy.
TimeTrap have created an excellent experience with clever puzzles, excellent set design, and a massive amount of fun. I’m only disappointed that it took us so long to make it to Reading; Station X is one not to miss!
The room is a great room and very immersive. It has some great puzzles that match the theme of the room and the staff are so enthusiastic. Read our review for more information!
Like a good wine, TimeTrap improves with age. This, their fourth escape game, demonstrates a provider that has built on success, learned from errors, dreamed up new ideas and concepts of how an escape room should work, and put on an extremely enjoyable experience. You should go. Yes, you.
I mean, wow. Going up those stairs is legit like walking through a door into the past. Every element is perfectly in keeping with the room. In short – when can I go back to try one of their other rooms? Can it be, like, now?