Escape Games Teeside: Ho Oh No

Von | November 24, 2023

von Escape Games Teeside (webseite)

226 Linthorpe Rd, Middlesbrough TS1 3QW


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten


Christmas is rapidly approaching, and let’s face it… your behaviuor this year hasn’t exactly been exemplary. Santa has officially moved your name to the naughty list, and he’s done the checking once.

If you hope to receive more than just a lump of coal this Christmas, YOU NEED TO REMOVE YOUR NAME FROM THAT LIST. The clock is ticking… Santa is set to check the list for the second and final time, in just one hour. Time is of the essence!

Search Santa’s workshop, find the list and for goodness sake, REMOVE YOUR NAME FROM THAT LIST!

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Bewertet mit 3 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer

Deine Bewertung


Lindsey Carey (Dinner Jackets) experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3.5 and 3.5 out of 5
Gespielt am: 3 Jan 2024 Teamgröße: 3 Benötigte Zeit: 28:36 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
ziemlich leicht
A good family friendly room, a bit on the easy side but that's standard with Christmas rooms. Lots of physically ooking for objects, which isn't our preference but we did enjoy it. 

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