Descifra Escape Room: The Storm

Descifra Escape Room: La Tormenta

By | Juli 3, 2023

von Descifra Escape Room (webseite)

C. Real, 56, 28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, ES

70 minuten

A quiet walk through nature, a simple day to rest your mind is what you expected when you went into the deep forest following the old riverbed.

Nobody could have predicted the mighty storm that suddenly appeared from nowhere. In a matter of minutes, the forest is dyed black and shadows are highlighted with increasingly frequent electric lights. Your steps are muffled by the boom of the powerful bursts of sounds.

Just after a few seconds of ominous silence, the wind rises and the rain turns into a deluge. It is immense. Your senses are flooded by the dense column of water before you. All you can hear is the river roaring ferociously close by. At this rate, it will take less than 70 minutes to overflow, dragging, without mercy, anything in its way. You consider your chances of surviving; you heart begins to race.

There is water everywhere. A dazzling light … thunder. More water. Another lightning bolt …The sky splits open, the ground is swamped. Another flash … In this split second, you catch a glimpse of a silhouette. A house? Another crash of thunder. Rain hits you; the river rises. With no time to think twice, you cut and run towards what seems to be your saviour.

But what you are yet to discover is that this house is not just any house … it belongs to the Storm.

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