TimeTrap: Prison Trap

Időcsapda: Prison Trap

Von | Juli 26, 2022

von TimeTrap (webseite)

Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 17


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, HU

60 minuten

You can choose from these two rooms: The Trap of a Psychopath Killer or Prison Trap

You surely haven’t seen anything like this!

Be a captive in a prison, and try to break from your cell. It depends on you and your team if you can break yourself free, or you will rot in prison forever. The conditions are similar to a real prison in the game. Can you get rid of your chains?

In the Prison Trap you can try yourself as a prisoner. What does it feel like to locked into a cell of a few sqare meters with your mates; or alone, while the others are in the next cell? You can hear the guard walking on the aisle, and you hear another captive being tortured. But after a while you realize, that others were here before you, and they left you some signs, that may help you to leave that inhuman place. Will sixty minutes be enough for you to break?

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