Sono passati tanti anni da quando all’università si persero le tracce del tuo professore di Archeologia partito per un viaggio in Messico con l’intento di riportare alla luce le meraviglie della civiltà azteca. Ad oggi la sua scomparsa è ancora avvolta da un mistero. Insieme ad altri compagni di studi avete deciso di ripercorrere le tappe fatte dal vostro professore e di riuscire nell’impresa nella quale lui aveva fallito. Stranamente, tutte le scoperte da lui fatte, decise di occultarle con enigmi e messaggi criptati. Fai molta attenzione, il motivo della sua scomparsa potrebbe essere lo stesso che vi bloccherà lì per sempre…
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Gespielt am: 25 May 2024Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 58 Minutes
unlogischkaputte technikschlechtes hosting
Terrible game. Completely illogical puzzles, they made no sense and we’ve done over 50 rooms so know what a good puzzle is. Hosting was very poor, one person was running 2 rooms at the same time. She didn’t tell us the background story and left us in the room in a rush. Don’t play this
Gespielt am: 4 Nov 2023Teamgröße: 3Ergebnis: Entkommen!
This game was a bit of a disappointment to be honest. We picked a game that looked really immersive with nice set design as an introductory room for my father in law. Sadly the immersion was ruined by the loud screams from the teenagers playing the "Saw" game next door and the room played on its styling with extra darkness. The very first puzzle (this won't spoil anything, it is obvious) is doing a tangram - the search for pieces was incredibly frustrating; looking for pale wooden objects in the nooks and crannies of a dark room is not my idea of fun.
We had quite a few clues because some of the puzzles were obtuse (this was game 131, we do not normally struggle on this) including one puzzle which the GM admitted needed a clue every time because otherwise no one would get it - in my opinion that means there is a flaw in the design.
It was such a disappointment because some of the ideas were good but the flow just wasn't there.
Our first ever escape room, and it got us hooked. Nice, well built set. One or two puzzles that we didn't get, but looking back, not sure if that was the game or us!
A beautiful set with plenty of wow factor makes you feel like you’re inside an Indiana Jones movie. The puzzles are challenging, even with a larger group.
With a gap between games, we rang Game Over's doorbell on the off chance they had a slot free, and they were able to oblige with Montezuma, which they described as their hardest game.
The backstory involves following in the footsteps of your vanished archaeology professor, and while the game starts in an academic's office I don't think it's too much of a spoiler to say that there may be something a little more temple-y involved at some point.
As you'd expect for a game rated with a high diffic...
Game Over hat mit Forbidden Temple of Montezuma ein definitiv herausforderndes Spiel gebaut, was vielleicht nicht unbedingt mit Aussehen, dafür aber mit Anspruch an die grauen Zellen glänzen konnte.