Tommy, Arthur, Polly and John are attending business matters in London leaving the bookies vulnerable. Major Campbell has caught wind of this and is planning to raid the bookies. As new members of the Peaky Blinders, Tommy has instructed you to find anything which incriminates the Shelby family and destroy it before Campbell’s men arrive.
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The decor and atmosphere transported us right into the world of 1920s Birmingham, and the puzzles at the start kept us engaged and moving at a great pace. The game flowed well, and we found ourselves solving challenges with enthusiasm. This room had so much potential, and for the most part, it delivered on theme, puzzle design, and immersion. But a combination of worn-out props and an unnecessarily rigid hint system meant that what should have been a thrilling finale left us feeling deflated rather than victorious.
Gespielt am: 22 Oct 2022Teamgröße: 5Ergebnis: Entkommen!
immersivschlechtes hostingziemlich leicht
As Peaky Blinders fans we were eager to try this room.
We knew it was an older room so the set being a little worn was to be expected, but it completely ruined one of the final puzzles in the room. The objects we needed had been so worn down that the writing on them was really difficult to read. We’re quite experienced players so had flown through the room up until this point, but finally got stuck. We’d got the basic idea of what we needed to do, but the information needed was so worn away that we disregarded it as being the answer as we thought that surely it wouldn’t have been accesible to those with slightly poorer eyesight. We puzzled for a good 5-10 minutes and finally asked for the first clue of our game, to which we received a response from the GM telling us we were doing too well so we had to wait 5 minutes to ask for help.
So we stood and waited for 5 minutes, which lowered our enthusiasm and excitement and ruined the flow. I understand that if a team are doing well you don’t want them to ask for a hint if they don’t need it, but it wasn’t a case of us not understanding the puzzle, and it had been a fair deal of time on this compared to the rest of our room. We had a discussion about whether to ask for a hint as we don’t usually like to, but we could feel ourselves losing enthusiasm and getting frustrated.
The first 80% of our game was great, we were enjoying working as a team, solving puzzles, and loved the immersion of it being a peaky blinders room! It’s a shame that this final part put a dampener on our escape experience.