von Harz Escape (webseite)
Klintgasse 3, 38855 Wernigerode
2-4 Spieler
Sprachen: EN, DE
60 minuten
New York, 1932. Die organisierte Kriminalität läuft auf Hochtouren. Ihr seid Agenten und arbeitet gerade an dem Fall Vito Genovese. Euer Chef, Joe Petrosino, konnte bereits belastendes Beweismaterial gegen Don Vito sammeln und bewahrt es gut gesichert in seinem Büro auf. Doch nun hat die Mafia Wind davon bekommen, dass es diese Dokumente gibt. Sie sind unterwegs zur Bürozentrale! Könnt ihr die geheimen Unterlagen rechtzeitig finden und verhindern, dass sie in die falschen Hände geraten?

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Deine Bewertung

I really enjoyed this room, its a classical escape game but has a solid narration with enough embellisment in the room to enhance the story without interferring with the game play and the entire game is well themed and has an inventive range of puzzles. The GM was very responsive and didn't lead us with the camera. Nicely done throughout.

A fairly basic game that would have been ridiculously easy in person but ended up being about the right difficulty when played via the avatar.
It's a well-presented office scene with a series of enjoyable puzzles. It's fun for what it is but there just wasn't enough content there for me to get super-excited. If you do want to play, I'd recommend playing as a pair.

In many ways, this is a classical escape room. It worked fine in the format, and the GM played her part well. It was a fun hour.
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
With rolling lockdowns and restrictions, the number of venues offering avatar games is increasing; but Harz Escape were one of the pioneers of the format, among a handful of companies who offered a remote avatar escape back when that was a completely new and untested concept. They have several physical rooms, and do in fact offer another game online; but that one's only available in German, so Don Vito is their only play-from-home option for English-speakers. [Edit: this is no longer the case, s...
Harz Escape has skillfully brought their most classic Escape Room into the digital world with the Remote Escape Room The Case of Don Vito, taking a very direct approach.
Siehe auch
- Harz Escape: The Don Vito Investigation (remote avatar) (nicht verfügbar)