Locked within 12 inch thick walls, encased behind a 6 inch steel door, lies the mysterious safe…
And you’ve got your eye on what’s inside!
Along with your team of crack shot cohorts, you’ll set out on the heist of your lives, with just 60 minutes to break-in to this REAL vault, you need to think OUTSIDE the box to get INSIDE this safe.
It’s not going to be easy, but you may just discover… The Secret of The Vault!
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Gespielt am: 16 Feb 2025Teamgröße: 4Benötigte Zeit: 42
This is a solid basic room. Nothing outstanding or groundbreaking on the tech front but it all worked as it should and all made sense and fitted with the theme. Reasonable range of puzzles. You can definitely see how the games have progressed when you compare this one (their first game) to Alien (their newest game)
Our 30th room as a team of 2. Really good room for the milestone. Clever room with unique puzzles. Jack was Great host stayed in character the whole time and gave us some good laughs.
Gespielt am: 17 Feb 2023Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 59:58Ergebnis: Entkommen!
familienfreundlichunlogischschlechtes hosting
We booked this game quite last minute but managed to get an afternoon slot during half term. Our games master was welcoming but not particularly enthusiastic about the game or his role, to the point where there was no introduction to the game or story,l before we entered the room - just the safety briefing in form of a video.
Upon starting the game it took us a while to get going and the things we found to start with - their uses weren't obvious. Unfortunately, quite early on we discovered a vital part wasn't where it should have been so were directed by our games master where the 'spare' was in the room. Then on using this piece how intended, it got stuck and hindered us getting keys from a locked part of the room so again the games master had to intervene by opening this locked area manually. He commented saying that's rare for that to happen (so it's clearly something that has happened before and they haven't done anything to stop it from happening).
On we went with the game, eventually found our flow and the puzzles definitely got better toward the end. This was a shame as we probably spent the first half guessing things because things weren't always very logical.
Despite this I'd like to go back and try the other 2 games - the mix of puzzles was good, as was the themeing of the room, I just think we were unlucky with our games master who could have set the scene a bit better and been more chatty before and after the game.
A good use of tech, and two tools/props that were very satisfying to use will give us something to remember this room by. A couple of ‘trial-and-error’ puzzles are ones we’d rather forget