Play with a friend! Can you decipher enigmatic puzzles that require constant communication between you and your teammate to solve? Your escape is dependent on how well you work together to find your way through gadgets and clues to solve the puzzle. Using two separate devices, play with a friend on the couch or even all the way across the globe on the phone or video chat!
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SO fun that I bought the second one! Super cool and satifying.
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A fun point-and-click game with solid production value that is well-designed specifically for two players playing remotely. Especially can't beat the price of free.
Failed quite miserably at this, our communication was really not great 🙁 None of that is due to the quality of the puzzle though! This free puzzle was great, nice visuals and unique puzzles, perfect to be played over Zoom with a friend. Highly recommended to spend a good 20-60 minutes (or more, in my case) and it's free!
Do you enjoy communication puzzles, where each of two players sees a different part of the information needed to solve a puzzle and must combine what they know verbally? Your answer to that will also be the answer to 'should you play Alone Together', since it consists almost entirely of that sort of puzzle.
Often in live escape games, the communication challenges can be some of the most difficult tasks teams come across. Alone Together is a great little game to hone your communication skills so you can impress the GM once we can finally play outside again!
Alone Together is a completely free game by the creative company Enchambered that is played in-browser. The idea is incredibly simple – two links, player 1 or player 2. The game is all about co-ordination and communication though. Unlike other multiplayer at home games, what player 1 does will not trigger an answer on player 2’s screen. The game is instead about communicating what you see on your screen to help you both to solve the puzzles.